5 Things To Remove from the Wardrobe!
5 things to remove from the wardrobe
A cluttered wardrobe can make getting dressed feel like a daily challenge. It’s time to simplify and create a space filled only with pieces that make you feel confident, comfortable, and ready to take on the day. If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a closet full of clothes but still feeling like you have nothing to wear, it’s likely time for a wardrobe refresh. Let’s dive into five things you should consider removing from the wardrobe now! Do this first, this will make for a easier clean out!
Put on take off pieces - you know the ones you really want to love but every time you put it on it just does not look right! Move it out it’s never going to look right! These pieces likely do not suit your body-shape or you are not comfortable in this style and comfort is number 1 so move it out please 🙏
Damaged clothing - It’s so hard to say goodbye! The good ole favourites that maybe stained, holed, rips, yes those ones… is it time to let go and find some new favourites!?
Clothing you’ve never worn - yes you, I know you have a label on something in the wardrobe… why are you not wearing it? Maybe because it’s not you or you brought it on sale but don’t love it? Move it out or maybe sell it to make money to buy more of what you are going to wear!
Things that don’t mix and match. The pieces with no friends. Lone rangers are no good to us in the wardrobe… if they don’t work with other pieces donate to someone who will make this work in their wardrobe! If you have multiples of these you need to take a look at the Ultimate everyday wardrobe guide… this will help you create a wardrobe with endless styling options because everything mix’s and matches!
Pieces that are too small or too big - scary I know… but what I have discovered styling woman over the years - if you are at your curvy size and keep what some call ‘skinny clothes’ the likely hood of you wearing them once you drop back down in size is slim… so ditch the skinny clothes and invest in right now clothes. Right now clothes can make you feel great & the feeling of great can give you the confidence to meet your weight goals. Also you’ll be so excited when you reach your goals you will want to buy new clothes!
Same goes if you have lost weight but keeping your favourite too big clothes… these need to go unless you can style them in a way to flatter the body. They go because 1. You don’t want to grow back into them. 2. Sell them so you can buy some new pieces that fit you now! (Alternatively donate them to someone who needs them in their life)
Happy cleaning out the Wardrobe!
Your stylist Rachelle x
P.S - If you need help, don't forget to check out our done for you Wardrobe Audit Service